Articles of ‘J.W. Mahoney’

Cliff Evans: Drones in the Garden

Cliff Evans: Drones in the Garden

Curator’s Office - Washington, DC
By J.W. Mahoney
Collage’s difficulty as medium is that the images being brought together already have meanings in the contexts from which they’re taken, and those contexts remain as ghosts standing behind whatever new order of meaning their new situation is presenting. So that the new order multiplies and transforms-and [...]

Where Do We Migrate To?

Where Do We Migrate To?

Center for Art and Visual Culture. University of Maryland - Baltimore
Curated by Niels van Tomme

By J.W. Mahoney
Visual artists have, for many centuries, been readily useful as the only capable recorders of the visual character of their times - in cultural, natural, or social contexts. The artist Jacques Le Moyne made the only extant visual records [...]