Editor's Picks

Luis Rafael Berríos-Negrón: Poetics of Silent Complexity

By Lukas Feireiss
Sites of Berlin and Kabul flickering on a small screen. Lateral worlds of imaginary time and space engaged in silent observations of void intensity. Speechless and abandoned. Relics of a fence interwoven with sprawling weeds and leaves. Lattices of living and nonliving structures superimposed not only on screen, but tangible as a physical matrix [...]

(re-) Creating History

By Allard van Hoorn
This project is all about the paradox of history, the encounter and tourism. When I traveled to the outskirts of Mongolia to discover those who had never been in contact with the outside world I was hoping for authenticity, the ‘real’. Now, I realize that by succeeding in finding I instantly destroyed [...]

Andrés Michelena: A Retrospective Look

By Raisa Clavijo
A darkened room houses an enormous sphere full of smoke with texts taken from the Bible and the Koran floating over it. On the walls, acrylic boxes and mirrors reflect the sacred ancient words. Andrés Michelena (Caracas, 1963) has returned with a new concept, the fruit of his tireless genius. OOPSS!! (2007) is [...]

Magnús Árnason: Polymorph

By Raisa Clavijo
Modern man is accustomed to internalizing artistic creation through experience. For the last few decades, we have approached works of art not as passive observers, but as participants. (1) In fact, in the last few years exhibition and museum techniques have evolved into concepts which try to actively involve the spectator in particular environments, [...]