Alex Danchev (sel.). 100 Artists’ Manifestos. From the Futurists to the Stuckists. London and New York: Penguin Classics, 2011.
This publication by Penguin is a great handbook for any art historian and curator whose work involves modern and contemporary art. The selection of 100 artists’ manifestos by Alex Danchev, whose previous works include On Art and War and Terror, starts with the Futurists’ manifesto of 1909 and ends with a pamphlet dating from 2009 by The Other Muswell Hill Stuckists, whom, I admit, I had never heard of. The numerous writings from the intervening century paint a picture of the intellectual foundations for the development of modern and post-modern art. As the artistic director of a museum devoted to an avant-garde movement, I find these stimulating manifestos particularly exciting. They are concise, driven by urgency and inspired by a conviction that is often expressed in hyperbole. However varied they may be in their nature and content, all of these documents are based on a belief that art can truly make a difference.