Articles of ‘AES+F’

AES+F: Seduction and Amorality

The collective AES+F (Tatyana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovich, Evgeny Svyatsky, Vladimir Fridkes) was formed at the end of the 1980s in Moscow. The very selection of the name, as if it were an acronym for a multinational corporation, communicates the work strategy of these artists. Under the expressive, seductive guise of advertising language and full of [...]

Morality: Act I & II

Act I: Beautiful from Every Point of View
Act II: From Love to Legal
Witte de With, Amsterdam
By Caridad Botella
The Witte de With, Centre for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam has chosen to articulate its program around the concept “Morality” as leitmotiv. “Morality” is an assemblage of exhibitions, performances, interventions, projects and dialogues that will take place [...]