Articles of ‘Joo-young Lee’

In between time - Joo-youn Lee

Diaspora Vibe Gallery - Miami
December 1, 2008 - January 26, 2009
By Irina Leyva-Pérez
When we think about sculpture’s materials, most likely paper would be one of the last options, if not the last, on our list. However, recently some artists have defied that notion. Instead of the apparent fragility of paper, they have focused on the [...]

Joo-young Lee & Mary Valverde, at Diaspora Vibe Gallery

December 1, 2008 - January 26, 2009
Far from the commercial super heroes of comics and movies, Paper Man lives in the lightness and destructibility of a sheet of paper. A breeze can blow him away. But when Paper Man allies himself and finds emotional unity with his fellow man, his strength grows with the fertility [...]