Articles of ‘The Menil Collection’

Cattelan vs. Cattelan

The Menil Collection - Houston

By Héctor Antón Castillo
Maurizio Cattelan is a mainstream name who can already afford himself the luxury of fighting with himself, without fear of failure as far as media impact or controversial coverage is concerned. More than one emblematic piece helps this thoughtful humorist complicate or simplify the nuances of his hyperrealistic [...]

NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten Faith at the Miami Art Museum

February 22 - May 24, 2009
Although for centuries spirituality was an essential, even guiding, component of art, in the modern era artists have often distanced themselves from otherworldly concerns brings together an intergenerational group of artists who address ritual in the artistic process and the wider implications of spirituality in contemporary art.
“NeoHooDoo: Art for a Forgotten [...]

A Show for a Forgotten Faith, Menil Collection, Houston

June 27th - September 21st, 2008
By Dinorah Pérez-Rementería
 At a certain point in our lives, some of us need some kind of inspiration to keep going. We may start doing exercises every morning, spend a fortune on books that will never be read, or unsuccessfully try to translate our feelings into words. One gets lost in [...]