Articles of ‘Erwin Olaf’

Cinema X: I Like to Watch

Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art - Toronto
Curated by Paco Barragán

By Camilla Singh

The collision of emerging erotic practices against the grip of religious morality compels us to re-educate ourselves about human sexuality without prejudice. Paco Barragán’s iconoclastic exhibition “Cinema X: I Like To Watch” challenges the prevailing sexual mores.  He supports his call for [...]


A Conversation with Javier Panera
Erwin Olaf (1959, Hilversum, The Netherlands) has lived and worked in Amsterdam since the beginning of the 1980s. Classical, contemporary, fantastic, baroque, caustic, ironic, transgressive… many adjectives could be applied to this prolific artist capable of generating great support as well as strong rejection due to the direct and explicit [...]