Articles of ‘MoCA NoMi’

Abstract Cinema and Technology

Museum of Contemporary Art - North Miami
March 25 - May 10, 2009
By Bryan Barcena
Presented with the concept of an exhibition focusing on abstract cinema, one might expect a museum full of large black cubic theatres, projecting images akin to the kind you would find on your computer’s desktop screensaver; frigid mechanical op-art that would seem [...]

To Hell with the Sublime / Luis Gispert and the Art of the Sublime

“The world thereby momentarily loses its depth
and threatens to become a glossy skin,
a stereoscopic illusion,
a rush of filmic images without density.
But is this now a terrifying or
an exhilarating experience?”

Fredric  Jameson [1]
By Janet Batet
To hell with the sublime? That’s not acceptable. It’s just that desire pushes us towards rudeness. Why the compulsive need to swear? Why [...]

Sympathy for the Devil: Art and Rock and Roll since 1967. Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami

May 29th - September 7th, 2008
By Sean McCaughan
With each show, the newish Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami keeps getting better.  About a decade old (young for art museums), and despite its distance from most things artistic in our city, the place has conquered. Their summer exhibition on tour from MCA Chicago and curated [...]