Articles of ‘Tania Bruguera’

Considering Activist Art in the Age of Occupations

Considering Activist Art in the Age of Occupations

By Carla Acevedo-Yates
Can art instigate social change? What can previous attempts to produce activist art teach us? It is a difficult task to assess the social and political impact of activist art. But perhaps the questions that arise with the proliferation of these practices are more important than any answers we can find.
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Deconstructing Lady Gaga: Pop Culture as a Toolbox

Deconstructing Lady Gaga: Pop Culture as a Toolbox

By F. Javier Panera
At a time when technology is starting to blur copyright boundaries, more and more voices are indicating that the contemporary artist has become a mere manager of information, destined in some cases to imitate himself and in others to “reprogram existing works,“ in a strategy similar to that of a [...]



Pan American Art Projects - Miami
Curated by Abelardo Mena

The Trojan Horse: Displacement and Resilience of the Uprooted Nation
By Joaquín Badajoz
The history of humankind sometimes seem to be, without diminishing other complex axioms and principles of civilization, the tale of the agonic paradox between sedentariness and migration. The parallel narratives that, from one point of [...]

Anthropophagy of a Biennial

By Héctor Antón Castillo

Integration and resistance in the global era was the curatorial mainstay of the Tenth Havana Biennial (March 27 - April 30, 2009). What dreams do excluded victims of geographic fatalism harbor? How can we recognize a masochistic utopia (or long-lived nightmare) that conceals political demagoguery? Can a renewed outbreak of identity neuroses [...]