Articles of ‘Roberto Fabelo’

Seeing Life Through Roberto Fabelo’s Visionary Eyes

Seeing Life Through Roberto Fabelo’s Visionary Eyes

Behind the Wall. 12th Havana Biennial

Behind the Wall. 12th Havana Biennial

Curated by Juan Delgado Calzadilla

By Noel Smith

“Detrás del Muro (Behind the Wall),” the installation of public art works on the Havana Malecón, was one of the most appealing and accomplished projects of the recent 12th Havana Biennial. Curatorially, the variety and quality of works and the poetics of their placement on [...]

Mythic Magic And Morbid Memory: Roberto Fabelo’s Visionary Fantasies

Mythic Magic And Morbid Memory: Roberto Fabelo's Visionary Fantasies

By Donald Kuspit
Now I challenge anyone to explain the diabolic and diverting farrago of Bruegel the Droll otherwise than by a kind of special, Satanic grace. For the words ‘special grace’ substitute, if you wish, the words ‘madness’ or ‘hallucination’; but the mystery will remain almost as dark….and I cannot restrain myself from [...]