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Thorsten Hasenkamm Presents His Recent Work at Harold Golen Gallery

Thorsten Hasenkamm. Still Life with Wahine. Acrylic on Masonite. 16" x 20". Courtesy of the artist and Harold Golen Gallery
September 12 - October 3, 2009
German artist Thorsten Hasenkamm (Paderborn, 1975) will present his works at the Wynwood Art District as part of the fall schedule of Harold Golen Gallery. Hasenkamm’s oeuvre is influenced by Expressionism, as well as by the visual language of comics, cartoons, animation, 50’s/60’s retro, and pro wrestling.
Through his prolific portfolio, spectators are able to detect techniques and resources taken from Expressionism, Cubism and the WPA of the early twentieth century, gathered and used by Hasenkamm with a whimsical, colorful and stylized mid-century and contemporary subject matter.
Harold Golen Gallery is the unique gallery in Miami focused on exhibiting emerging and established contemporary pop surrealist artists, whose works are influenced by old world masters, contemporary pop imagery and twentieth century ephemera.
Harold Golen Gallery
2294 North West 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33127
Phone 305-989-3359
Filed Under: News, News US