
Seeing Life Through Roberto Fabelo’s Visionary Eyes

Seeing Life Through Roberto Fabelo’s Visionary Eyes

Kettle’s Whistle. The Big Kahuna

Kettle’s Whistle. The Big Kahuna

By Michele Robecchi
Over the course of his remarkable career, Damien Hirst, among other things, has collected art. The bulk of this collection, mostly made of swaps arranged with his fellow YBA associates, grew with time to include the work of household names he admired in his youth, emerging artists he thought would [...]

Museums, Spectators and Participation

Museums, Spectators and Participation

By Paco Barragán
For more than two centuries since the Louvre went public, the museum has hardly changed.
I am shockingly aware that such a statement may sound like a provocation, as many respected professionals from the museum world and academia alike-Kenneth Hudson and Eilean Hooper-Greenhill among them-think just the opposite: that “museums refuse [...]

In Conversation with Balint Zsako

In Conversation with Balint Zsako

Balint Zsako’s (b. 1979) artistic language is a curious blend of psychological, mythical, spiritual and sexual narratives that express his devoted exploration of emotional complexities and somatic configurations. Although Zsako creates in a range of media including watercolor, collage, painting, sculpture, drawing and photography, his ongoing series of works on paper demonstrate his [...]

Ramiro Lacayo: Conversations In and Around Painting

Ramiro Lacayo: Conversations In and Around Painting

Ramiro Lacayo Deshón (Managua, Nicaragua, 1952) is one of the most interesting Central-American painters working these days. Lacayo began in the art world as a writer and filmmaker. In the mid-1970s, during the insurrection against dictator Anastasio Somoza, he joined the Leonel Rugama cinematographic brigade, which documented the armed struggle of the [...]

The Paradox of Expressionism

The Paradox of Expressionism

By John Valentine

For the purposes of this essay, I shall define expressionism-à la the Romantic movement of the 19th century-as the theory that one of the main functions of artworks, if not their very essence, is that they somehow ‘contain,’ ‘suggest,’ or ‘give voice to’ human feelings. I shall not be [...]

On the Trail of the Unicorn: Trying to Define Art

On the Trail of the Unicorn: Trying to Define Art

By John Valentine
There have been many attempts to capture and analyze this elusive animal in the history of philosophical thought. Plato and Aristotle, for example, took the route of necessary and sufficient conditions. That is, they assumed that for any item correctly to be designated as art it had to be 1) [...]

Perfect Stranger. An Interview with Dara Friedman

Perfect Stranger. An Interview with Dara Friedman

Shadow Roses Shadows
Ingeborg Bachmann
Shadows roses shadows
Under a strange sky
Shadows roses shadows
In a strange land
Between roses and shadows
In a strange water
My shadow
(From: Dara Friedman, Dichter (2017), four-channel HD color video transferred from 16-millimeter film)
“Perfect Stranger,” Dara Friedman’s mid-career survey at Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), is the Miami-based German artist’s most comprehensive show [...]

An Interview with Antonis Pittas on the Occasion of His Book 'Road to Victory.'

An Interview with Antonis Pittas on the Occasion of His Book ‘Road to Victory.’

the nostalgia for the past is a stupid thing
we are always ready for new work this has been part of our history I weight 76 kilograms
something went very wrong here this would hot have been possible 10 years ago I felt I had to do something
someone is looking for you but I [...]

Pia MYrvoLD: Dialogues Across Media

Pia MYrvoLD: Dialogues Across Media

Paris-based artist Pia MYrvoLD started her professional career in the 1980s in her native Norway, and along the way, she broadened her artistic practice to include different media and disciplines. It was in Paris in the 1990s that she began making a name for herself while working closely with architect Bernard Tschumi [...]