Articles of ‘Alexandre Arrechea’

Alexandre Arrechea: No Limits

Alexandre Arrechea: No Limits

Park Avenue - New York
By Stephen Knudsen
Alexandre Arrechea’s No Limits1 is so good that I am going to skip the dance drill and stake out a conclusion right from the beginning. The 10 sculptures are unpardonably smart, humorous and beautiful-with Kantian flourishes of spirit.2

With art history’s grand narrative annulled (thanks, Arthur Danto), [...]

Unfreezing a World in Perpetual Motion. An Interview with Alexandre Arrechea

Unfreezing a World in Perpetual Motion. An Interview with Alexandre Arrechea

Cuban-born artist Alexandre Arrechea makes beautifully crafted, deceptively whimsical works about the power that our social settings and communal practices have in shaping personal identity and collective experience. Over the last few years, his career has taken him around the world, where he has exhibited works for which context is often as important [...]

Miami Art Museum Presents Recent Acquisitions

March 13 - October 11, 2009
As it prepares to begin construction of its new headquarters on Biscayne Bay, Miami Art Museum highlights its growing collection of international contemporary art with “Recent Acquisitions,” a new exhibition on view from March 13 to October 11 of this year. These new additions, many of which are on view [...]

Prospect.1 in New Orleans

By Natalie Sciortino-Rinehart
One of the primary missions of Prospect.1 has been to help in the recovery of New Orleans, especially its cultural economy, through staging the largest biennials of contemporary art ever organized in the United States. With over eighty artists and more than two dozen venues, this historic biennial brought together key international artists [...]