Articles of ‘PROSPECT 1’

Prospect.1 in New Orleans

By Natalie Sciortino-Rinehart
One of the primary missions of Prospect.1 has been to help in the recovery of New Orleans, especially its cultural economy, through staging the largest biennials of contemporary art ever organized in the United States. With over eighty artists and more than two dozen venues, this historic biennial brought together key international artists [...]

Luis Cruz Azaceta

November 1, 2008 - January 18, 2009
 By Natalie Sciortino-Rinehart
As the nation’s largest art biennial plays out in New Orleans, we are again reminded of the complex and controversial nature of such a setting - one inseparable from the inconceivable events and aftermath of tragedy on such an epic scale. As the struggle to rebuild continues [...]


By Raisa Clavijo
Luis Cruz Azaceta (Havana, 1942) is an artist whose work carries the indelible imprint of displacement. The solitude, cultural and linguistic isolation, and the certainty of no longer belonging anywhere has marked his view of the world since he immigrated to the United States from Cuba at the beginning of the sixties. Throughout his [...]